Posted Thu, 05 Jul 2018 12:19:48 GMT by Olcay EGRIBOYUN Coastal Eng
Hi eveyone,

I am trying to model couple jetties on a sandy beach. I am using Mike21-3 integrated model (HD-ST-SW) and I tried lots of things but model blows every time. The error massage was attached.

I am using 6 hours interval wave and wind time series.

sediment table covers all data but program says

Tp > Tpmax in sediment table

Hrms > Hrmsmax in sediment table

how can it happens i dont understand.

what is the "illegal storage access" error ?

There are lots of empty space in Hard disk and my computer is HP Z640, very powerfull PC.

please help me 

Posted Mon, 10 Dec 2018 08:02:40 GMT by Samuel Maselli Student

I didn't have the same Setup, but I also had the illegal storage access error. I somehow could solve it by checking the names and paths of my files and output Parameters and deleting all Special characters lik öäü etc. I also deleted my cross section Outputs and newly added them, but I think this wasn't in direct relation to the error that occurred. Maybe this helps, let me know!

Best, Sam

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