Posted Fri, 07 Dec 2018 02:11:23 GMT by Christelle Auguste
I'm a beginner in MIKE 21, and I need to know the number of elements in a specific area ( channel).
I've defined a polygon for my channel, but I don't know how to know/count the number of elements in this area.
I have the total number of elements for the entire domain, but is there a way to get the numbers for a specific area?
Do I have to write a Matlab script for this?

Thanks for your help!!

Posted Mon, 10 Dec 2018 07:58:43 GMT by Samuel Maselli Student
Hey :)

What you can do for sure is to export your mesh to a shape file which you can import to a GIS. There you may do clipping or other actions in order to get the number of elements in a certain area.
Hope this helps!

Posted Tue, 11 Dec 2018 04:38:47 GMT by Christelle Auguste
Thanks for the tip Sam!

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