I have a question I appreciate that if any one can help me
Imagine there are  a river and road along each other (for example 200 m) I want to know how I can Model it in Mike11 . Is it possible to model it with side weir ( broad crest)? 
I have done this procedure:
1-After inserting my network and cross sections, I inserted a new cross section( same as road longitudinal profile along the river) at the chainage which  my road is starting to go along the river.(I just changed the topo Id and did not change the river name and chainage)
2- Then inserted  side weir at the the first chainage (I mean the chainage which both river and road start to be along each other)
Type: side structure broad crest weir, geometry type : cross section Db
How can I specify the side which my weir is located?
when I press plot button, Mike 11 doesn't show the weir it just show upstream and down stream cross sections. Is it ok?  The only change is that the calculate Q/H button is activated
Do I need to change head loss factors , LPI, LPo ,... or not?
If  roadway is above the natural terrain( the weir geometry(cross section DB)is above the natural terrain) do Mike model it as vertical wall?