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Posted Thu, 05 May 2011 19:18:57 GMT by jessie
Hi to all,

I am a fresher of FEFLOW. I have just installed the web based version of FEFLOW All is running smoothly but I cannot get the Dongle driver in order to get the Network License. When I launch the WASY License Manegement program it shows me in ' SERVER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (host ID)' : no dongle . So, in this case what should I do to get the Dongle plugin? Should I buy the code license?

thanks folks
Posted Tue, 10 May 2011 08:04:21 GMT by Denim Umeshkumar Anajwala
For testing FEFLOW, you can run it in DEMO mode. Just click on the Demo button in the license manager. This will allow you to load all the demo data, and to save and run your own models up to 500 nodes per slice and 5 slices FOR TESTING PURPOSES. If you want to apply FEFLOW in real life, you have to purchase a license which will come with a dongle and corresponding license code.

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