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Posted Wed, 02 Jun 2010 22:33:40 GMT by Silverbrook
When exporting Kx values (for example) by this method:

Special -> Conductivity [Kxx] -> Save nodal materials as [b]points[/b] - > choosing file type to be shape file.

The parameter values are limited to 8 decimal places. If I export using .pnt or .dat files the decimal places are limited to 10. Is this an inherent limitation of the file types or is there a way to work around this problem? The level of precision for very low conductivity regions is lost when exporting using this method.


Posted Thu, 03 Jun 2010 06:54:21 GMT by Denim Umeshkumar Anajwala
You can define the number of decimal places by choosing <<Customize or Create New Formats>> from the file type line when exporting. In the Attributes tab of the DataStore Manager that will come up, for each column detailed settings can be done.

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