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Posted Thu, 15 Nov 2012 03:25:13 GMT by Blair Thornburrow Groundwater Modeller

Does anyone know of a method in IFM to delete boundary conditions?

Posted Fri, 16 Nov 2012 04:52:19 GMT by Blair Thornburrow Groundwater Modeller
I think I found it.

int IfmSetBcFlowTypeAndValueAtCurrentTime
IfmDocument pDoc,
int nNode,
[b]int bcType,[/b]
  int bcUnst,
double nValue

int bcType
Flow B.C. Type:
[b]IfmBC_NONE (0) = no boundary condition [/b]
IfmBC_DIRICHLET (1) = Dirichlet (1st kind)
IfmBC_NEUMANN (2) = Neumann (2nd kind)
IfmBC_CAUCHY (3) = Cauchy (3rd kind)
IfmBC_SINGLE_WELL (4) = Single well (4th kind)
IfmBC_GRADIENT_FTYPE (5) = Gradient-type
Note: (a) if IfmBC_NONE is used an existing B.C. Is deleted,
(B) do not use a type larger than IfmBC_GRADIENT_FTYPE.
Posted Mon, 19 Nov 2012 08:06:57 GMT by Denim Umeshkumar Anajwala
Exactly! Thanks Blair for taking the time and posting your - absolutely right - solution!

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