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Posted Thu, 12 Feb 2015 22:44:51 GMT by Spencer Malott
I am running a 2D vertical transient coastal aquifer model. I want to track the fluid influx/efflux accross the sediment-Lake boundary. Currently I have a series of nodes selected across the model boundaries in which I want to monitor the flow across over time. The exported rate budget data gives a value for every singe node for every time step making the data super hard to process. Is there any way to get the total flux/flow across the entire boundary for a given time step instead of having to integrate across all of the nodes? In addition, I've noticed that the rate budget data does not include the imbalance, which I also want. Is there any way to export the imbalance data also?


Posted Thu, 26 Feb 2015 09:08:12 GMT by Carlos Andres Rivera Villarreyes Global Product Specialist - FEFLOW
Dear Spencer,

You can store the boundary nodes in the Spatial Units panel as a nodal selection. Here you can activate the Budget Charting Mode option, which provides the advantage to track the budget flux or imbalance in this exact location of the model domain. Such option will create a separate line in the Rate/Period Budget charts, which can be easily exported as a time-series.


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