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Posted Wed, 12 Mar 2014 01:52:16 GMT by Luis Camilo Casallas Student
Hello to you all, I'm trying to create a mesh from a shape file (polygon), but when I generate, I have this error,... Failed to generated mesh!... what can I do?

Are there any limitations to the size of the polygon and number of items I can generate with the mesh?

Posted Wed, 12 Mar 2014 03:52:09 GMT by Denim Umeshkumar Anajwala
There are no strict limits on the polygon size or mesh items. However, a polygon needs to be suitable for generating a mesh. I recommend to check the polygon for vertices that are very close to each other. Typically those lead to problems in mesh generation as the algorithm will have to put mesh nodes at all polygon vertices. You  may also check if the polygon contains a very large number of not necessary vertices, e.g., along straight sections of the polygon border. These would also lead to a large number of mesh nodes along this border and can finally cause the mesh generator algorithm to fail.

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