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Posted Wed, 09 Jun 2010 18:33:56 GMT by Martin Stewart
Will the new version 6.0 (standard) support visual C++ GUI's?

Posted Mon, 21 Jun 2010 19:14:43 GMT by Denim Umeshkumar Anajwala
I'm not sure this is a reply but on a similar topic .......
Will IFM support calls to Qt rather than OSF/Motif in the future for widget creation? Or is the documentation lagging and I can do this already? I apologize if this is somewhere in the documentation ......
RTFM used to be my favorite response to this kind of query when I was supporting software, I'm not sure what the German equivalent of the acronym is?
Posted Wed, 23 Jun 2010 12:20:18 GMT by Denim Umeshkumar Anajwala
Actually the IFM does not really care what kind of user interface you use. Motif/Athena support was in the dialogs, but we have - for example - widely used MFC (e.g., for IfmMIKE11) and Qt. For Qt, however, you would have to make sure that the plug-in uses the same Qt version that is used for FEFLOW - this makes modules with Qt user interfaces somewhat more difficult to maintain over longer time periods.
Posted Mon, 20 Jun 2011 13:12:24 GMT by fubzot
A GUI based on Win-Forms can be created within VS2010.

When adding a Form to your project VS2010 automatically configures your project to compile for CLR.

However, you must go to "Configuration properties" --> "C/C++" --> "Runtime library - Code generation"
and tell vs2010 to use the .dll version of the c runtime (/MD or /MDd).

If not you will get a: Command line error D8016..

Be aware that intellisense is unavailable for C++/CLI :(

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