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Posted Sat, 26 Jul 2014 09:52:29 GMT by
I have about 3000 conductivity polygons and I need to convert each of them into element selection at once without selecting one by one and save as element selection for the calibration.(selecting one by one and saving is time consuming and problematic  process for huge amount of selections )
Do you have any idea?
Your help is highly appreciated
Posted Mon, 04 Aug 2014 07:41:41 GMT by Chto

first: you should think about, if handling 3000 element selections is practicable for calibration.

I would suppose:
Add a field selection ID to your polygons.
You can turn your polygons into an element distribution and use this field as value.
After that you can access the element selections quite easy by selecting your appropriate ID.
By using the Expression Editor, you can even use the element distribution to assign values or Change values during calibration.

Hope that helps.

Bests Christian

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