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Posted Tue, 31 May 2011 14:03:36 GMT by Giomac
Hi everyone, I´ve got a simple question.

Supposing that I have a 3D model with 4 layers.
I have set up the elevation of the 4th layer and I want the 3rd layer to have the same elevation as the 4th but increased by 1 meter.
How can I do that?

Posted Fri, 03 Jun 2011 11:36:12 GMT by Denim Umeshkumar Anajwala
In the 3D Layer Configuration, set all slices except the 3rd to 'fixed', and change the Distance from Lower Slice to 1 m (Standard user interface).  In the Classic user interface, you cannot set a distance from the slice below, just from above. Here you would have to add slice 3 from scratch, specifiying a distance from the slice below while adding the new slice. Another option would be to export all elevations from slice 4, add 1 m to all elevations externally and import them again for slice 3.
Posted Wed, 08 Jun 2011 14:32:24 GMT by Giomac
Sorry Peter I'd like to take advantage of your helpfulness and ask two other questions about the 3D layer configuration with which I am really struggling.

1) Supposing my model has 7 layers and their elevation ranges from +65 to -30 metres.
How do I set the initial 3D layer configuration?
I set all the elevation as no fixed. But I always got an error of conflict when I assign the elevation of one layer, which is then corrected and costrained within a small range, that is not the one I assigned.

2) I would like to create a layer with a costant slope of 1 degree eastward starting from a certain elevation. How would you do that?

I'd very much appreciate if you can help me on that.
Posted Fri, 17 Jun 2011 14:13:12 GMT by Giomac
I think I have figured out the first question, how to set up the initial 3D geometry.

But I am still struggling with the second question.

Which is the best way to create a layer with a costant slope?
Posted Mon, 04 Jul 2011 06:50:41 GMT by Denim Umeshkumar Anajwala
There's at least two ways for this:

1. The Classic interface contains an option called 'Skew plane' to set z values. With this, elevations can be interactively input at certain locations, and FEFLOW interpolates between the points. The locations can either be defined by mouse click or by typing in their X/Y coordinates.

2. Create a simple point file externally with elevations on two sides and use it as a basis for interpolation in FEFLOW.

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