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Posted Mon, 07 Jun 2010 22:05:09 GMT by Martin Stewart

I'm trying to put together my first IFM code and am looking for commands to ask FEFLOW to run a simulation and then save the results to a .dac file (starting the IFM code in +presimulation mode). It is a simple code that runs the simulation, loops back to automatically change parameters, then run itself again until all the parameter configurations have been exhausted (essentially a sensitivity analysis). Any suggestions from the programming crowd?

Posted Tue, 08 Jun 2010 15:43:46 GMT by Denim Umeshkumar Anajwala
Hi Martin,

unfortunately this is not possible - at least not in the way you plan it. You cannot start a simulation from within the IFM easily.
So if you would do it with IFM, you would have to loop through the different scenarios by modifying the parameters via IFM, and then from PostSimulation set back the initial conditions, tell FEFLOW to start over again with the simulation, and change the parameters. This is what the PEST interface does. You cannot write separate dac files for each loop in this case.
So if you wish to get dac files for each simulation, I would rather recommend to use a batch command to start FEFLOW and some code that modifies an ASCII fem file. Or you use a mixture where you use a batch command to start the simulation with a specified output file, but within the fem file an IFM module modifies the parameters before actually running the simulation.

The limitation of IFM visible here (the plug-in is part of the model and cannot execute the model from "outside") will be overcome by a future Python interface. As discussed in,426.msg1582.html#msg1582, however, we cannot specify even roughly the release time of this.


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