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Posted Fri, 21 Mar 2014 10:12:21 GMT by Lamm
Hallo Users,

I am running 3D_FEFLOW 6.1 with the chose options of Standard (saturated) groundwater flow_equation and Transient flow. The Domain include 4 Aquifers and 3 Aquitats. The simulation period is 4 months. When calibrating, some parameters such as conductivity, porosity, and specific storage have been considered. However, the Model seems to be underestimated for the first period of simulation at different monitoring Wells and then simulated well at the end of simulation period (Please see an enclosed). I suppose that assigned Initial hydraulic head may be lower than the reality or Model need to be warming- up or …?

Does anyone have an idea?
Thank in advance,
Posted Fri, 21 Mar 2014 11:23:01 GMT by Denim Umeshkumar Anajwala
It looks as if you start the model at 0m hydraulic head for some of the observation wells, while the observed values are much larger. There the initial condition does not seem appropriate. The second steep rising of the head in your diagrams actually leads to approximately correct values. Is this rise also caused by too low initial conditions, e.g., by water flowing in from a boundary?
In case you don't have better initial conditions, it may help to do a steady-state run first to obtain good initials, or to have a longer warm-up period.

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