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Posted Wed, 02 Jul 2014 08:51:35 GMT by mili111
Hi all,

im completely new at FEFLOW an this forum. I need to create a heat flow model for my master thesis with FEFLOW and to get into the theme i tried the tutorials on youtube. In tut10 the rate budget  is neccesary for the flow simulation i think. But when i click on it the program says "pending..." instead of showing the boundary conditions. As a consequence of this, is think my "travel time, backward-streamline" legs weren´t shown in rainbow colours, like in the video. Is this assumption correct? What was my fault?

I hope you guys recognize what i mean. My english isn´t the best...

Greetings, Michael
Posted Wed, 02 Jul 2014 09:29:37 GMT by mili111
Ok i got it :D
The Problem was, that i run the tutorials 1-9 yesterday and today i planned to continue with tut10 in my save data. But to get my flow simulation i have to go back to tut9 and start the simulation. In the save data the simulation automatically stopped. Thats all!

Posted Wed, 02 Jul 2014 10:09:25 GMT by Carlos Andres Rivera Villarreyes Global Product Specialist - FEFLOW
Hi Michael,

"Pending" means that FEFLOW cannot retrieve primary variables values to compute the budget. You just need to start the simulation.
If you save the DAC file using the Record Properties option at the simulation toolbar, you can have all the entire model results to compute any kind of budget.



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